Windows on Motion
Still from the movie “Index of Window Sounds and Movements” (2019). Researched by Komiyama Yoh. Directed by Okazaki Tomohiro.
Windows are made to be opened in all sorts of ways. Windows in Japan are most commonly designed to slide horizontally, whereas windows in Europe and the Americas commonly slide vertically. The German-born dreh-kipp (turn-tilt) window, which can be tilted or swung inwards using a handle, has been popular for a long time in Europe, but it is rare in Japan. An example of a window named after a country is the French window, which swings open from the middle. Windows are very much cultural products that are tied to the peculiarities of their local contexts. In this exhibit, the various movements of windows are abstracted and expressed through sound and images.
“Index of Window Sounds and Movements” (2019). Researched by Komiyama Yoh. Directed by Okazaki Tomohiro.
Igarashi Tarō on Windows on Motion